Trusted by the top companies in this industry
US Goverment Communications Regulator
One of the Largest European Retail Chain
Largest French Railways Company
Global OTT Platform
One of the Largest Telcos in SEA
French National Railway Company
Global Retail Chain Giant
Monitor Apps and Networks
Get Full Stack Observability
Our platform provides full stack observability from end user devices to network to the cloud endpoints without agent/SDK integrations. See the same top level end user metrics whether you are a CxO, Product Manager, QA/DevOps/ITOps Engineer. Get drill downs for the frontend, network and backend performance of the app
Diagnose issues related to the frontend, backend or the network
Ensure quality experience across digital channels web, mobile, TVs & appliances
Monitor performance of critical user journeys on your app
For CxOs, PMs and DevOps
Monitor Production Apps For Bugs And Lags
Run automated user journeys across mobiles and TVs 24x7 on your secured apps
Automate testing using Appium, Robotics & Vision
Measure functional failures and performance lags
Uncover buffering, poor video quality, low FPS and high frame drop issues
Profile the app’s usage of CPU, Memory, Network and Energy
DevOps/ITOps Engineers
Monitor Critical Endpoints
Monitor your cloud endpoints passively while user journeys are executed or run active checks 24x7 from our global device cloud
Monitor latency and throughput for CDN endpoints
Measure video load delay and video MoS based on ITU standards
Identify slow APIs, large asset sizes, slow DNS queries
Benchmark your app
performance with peers
Automate critical user journeys on
store apps or release candidates
Monitor and validate
DRM content
Why Are All Our Monitors “Black Box”
Our Secret Sauce
We believe in a world free of privacy intrusive real user monitoring agents or SDKs integrated into apps or deep packet inspection probes integrated into networks.
Our mission is to provide the same level of observability using “black box” testing by replicating the eyes, hands and brains of a user.
By doing so, we also ensure we do not need any special access such as developer mode access, screen capture, DRM protection or UI element scrapping that a well secured app or network would prohibit
Monitor App Protocol and Network Protocol
Monitoring Agents
Tests Performed
Our Playbook
Why Are All Our Monitors “Black Box”
Global Reach: 1000+ devices across 27 cities in the world
Device Diversity: Mobiles, Smart TVs, Vision Headsets, Gaming Consoles, Set Top Boxes
Global device cloud
Precision Measurement: Our metrics are the best reflection of user perception
Security compliant: No developer mode, screen recording or UI element detection needed
Robotics & Vision
Flexible Deployment: Deploy on mobiles, routers, sensors
Chatbot: OpenAI powered chatbot with MOZARK knowledge base
Citizen Care Agents
Benchmarking: Compare your digital experience with domestic & international peers
Anomaly Detection: Identify trend deviations and
generate alerts
Data Science & AI
Digital Regulators
Launch Citizen Care Agents And National Broadband Maps
Enable citizens to voice their concerns around network availability and digital experience across the country. Monitor issues raised by users on social media
Launch citizen care mobile agent for digital experience within days
Measure gaming, entertainment, commerce, payment, public utility and communication experience across the country
Monitor Twitter and Instagram for issues raised by citizens
Build national broadband maps
For Enterprise or Telcos
Content Coming soon
Monitor your cloud endpoints passively while user journeys are executed or run active checks 24x7 from our global device cloud
Monitor latency and throughput for CDN endpoints
Measure video load delay and video MoS based on ITU standards
Identify slow APIs, large asset sizes, slow DNS queries
How we helped the FIFA fans have a seamless experience
Mozark's platform enabled operators to deliver a never before digital experience to fans in this first post 5G major event
How we helped your favorite OTT deliver your content